2 - 3 December 2022

A Joint Venture

This is an unique joint venture between Dr. I. Gielen and Prof.dr. H. Van Bree from the Ghent University, the "Arbeitsgruppe CT der DGK-DVG" and the German Veterinary Association DVG that resulted in the organisation of the 3rd International- and 10th CT-user Meeting 2022, scheduled for 2 and 3 December 2022 in an superb historic venue of the Augustijnen Monastery in the City Center of Ghent - Belgium


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Dr. Ingrid Gielen
Ghent University
Co-president Ct-user 2022
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Prof. dr. H. van Bree
Ghent University
Co-president Ct-user 2022
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The German Veterinary Association DVG. The DVG Forum is the members' magazine of the DVG. It is published twice a year (June and December) and is sent to every DVG member (as a print edition or alternatively as an online edition from 2/2019).
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An active group within The German Veterinary Association DVG, “Arbeitsgruppe CT der DGK-DVG” was established 10 years ago and was initiated to build up and exchange experience among users of CT
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Arbeitsgruppe CT

The working group had its inaugural meeting on September 24th, 2011 in Göttingen. The aim of the working group is to organize scientific conferences on the subject of computer tomography in small animal medicine, to promote science and to promote the use of CT examinations in veterinary practice (rules of procedure).

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Research Award deadline:
Poster submission deadline:
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Our Faculty
I. Gielen
H van Bree
M. Mihaljevic
E. Ranschaert
V. van Driessche
A. Brühsschwein
D. Rasenberg
C. Hordijk
Y. Vali
M. Hellige
S. Stieger
K. von Pückler
Gabriel Manzo Diaz
C. Crijns